

About 8 to 10 times a year I held lectures at the local community college about topics in history, the arts and religion and Bible.

Below is a list of lectures held so far.

Polish History
- The Polish Piast Dynasty (10th - 14th century) 
- The Polish Jagielon Dynasty (1386-1572) 
- The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1569-1785) 
- The Partitions of Poland (1795-1918) 

Dutch History
- The History and Culture of the Netherlands in Medieval Times 
- The Netherlands in 16th Century 
- The Beginnings of the Republic – The Netherlands between 1572 and 1648 
- The Republic between Rise and Decline (1648-1702) 
- The Netherlands between 1702 and 1813 
- Three Kings. The Netherlands between 1813 and 1890 
- The Netherlands between 1890 and 1940 

Art History
- Early Netherlandish Painting
- Introduction to Dutch Paiting in the 17th Century 
- Pictures full of Meaning. Dutch Genre Paintings in 17th Century 
- The Still Life in Dutch Painting of the 17th Century 
- Dutch Portrait Painting in 16th and 17th Centuries 
- Dutch Landscape Painting (16th and 17th Century) 
- The Leiden "Fijnschilders" 
- Johannes Vermeer 
- Rembrandt 
- Pieter Brueghel 
- Hieronymus Bosch 
- Jan Steen – The Story Teller from the 17th Century 
- Frans Hals 
- Music and Art in the Netherlands in the 17th Century 

Architectural History
- Dutch Churches from Medieval Times until 17th Century 
- The 8th World Wonder: The Amsterdam Town Hall as Piece of Art 
- Utrecht Churches 

Art and Bible
- Good Friday and Eastern in European Paintings 
- The Christmas Story in European Paintings 
- Rembrandt and the Bible 

Bible and Religion
- The Tower of Babel in Art and History 
- Jews and Christians
- Creation Stories – How Did Everything Come into Being? 
- Daily Life in Bible Times 
- Introduction to the Bible 
- Ancient Egypt and the Bible 
- The World of Apostle Paul 
- The Legendary King Solomon 
- The History of Israel in the Bible 
- Biblical Israel and its Neigbours Ancient Times 

Church History
- Martin Luther and the Reformation - An Introduction 
- The Swiss Reformation (Zwingli, Calvin, Bullinger) 
- The Reformation in Poland 
- Reformation Movements in the Middle Ages 
- Crisis in the Republic - The Synod of Dordrecht 1618/19 

Knowledge About Countries
- The Netherlands and Flanders 
- Scotland (A Travel Report) 

- Introduction to the Hebrew Language

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